2025 NABSS Conference

Intention, intervention and impact

The National Association of British Schools in Spain will hold its 47th Annual Conference which will be held from 6th to 9th March in Madrid.

The programme will commence on Thursday 6th March with our Gala Dinner for Heads, Owners and Guests. The following day Friday 7th March, which is dedicated to heads and owners of schools, will include the opening ceremony and tour of the Education Exhibition followed by presentations from our Keynote Speakers.

There will be an interesting programme of professional development for senior leaders and teachers, ensuring that we are well informed and kept up to date with the latest developments, reforms and trends in education.

We have programmed our Annual General Meeting for the representatives of our schools on Saturday 8th March.

The second part of the conference, on Saturday 8th March, will give the opportunity for participants (heads, owners, and teachers) from all our member schools to enjoy some inspiring keynote presentations as every year.

Once again, our Education Exhibition will form an important part of the conference. Heads, owners, and staff from the 83 member schools will meet in Madrid for an extended weekend of professional development and networking focused on British education in Spain.